
Most guilty period

The most guilty period of the week is Sunday evening. You get up from sleeping 3 hours in the afternoon and then count what all you had planned for the weekend and what all you've ended up doing. Its a gone chance, the next hectic week is staring at you. What all you'd have to do extra to cover up for things that related to office, what all things on personal front shall have to wait one more weekend. Then you get up, wash your face and call a friend who'd be doing the same thing. Things do improve a bit after that, collective guilt is consoling.

One thing I have a good feeling about during this weekend is watching Omkara. Its a movie worth watching. People who would be able to relate to western UP (I belong to East UP but have done college in West) will enjoy the language more. I haven't read Othello, but to those who are going to see the movie, let me warn you its a tragic story, someone told me the most tragic play of Shakespeare.

After watching the songs I've become like one of the truck drivers of UP who listen to songs like 'beedi jalaile' and 'Namak isk ka'. These songs are good.